Methodology: 4/5
Usefulness: 2/5

Sims CA, et al. JAMA Surg. 2019 Aug 28.

Question and Methods: Single-centre, double-blind, randomized control trial to determine whether low-dose vasopressin decreases the need for blood product transfusion in trauma patients with hemorrhagic shock.

Findings: A total of 100 adult trauma patients were enrolled. Vasopressin significantly decreased the volume of blood products given in the first 48 hours by about 1.3L without increasing complications.

Limitations: High rate of penetrating trauma make the results less applicable to a Canadian trauma population. Single-centre study with small sample size not powered to detect differences in complications and mortality outcomes.

Interpretation: Low-dose vasopressin may decrease the need for blood products in trauma patients with hemorrhagic shock, however larger multicenter trials are needed to confirm safety and efficacy for clinically important outcomes.

By: Dr. Bo Zheng


  • Dr. Rosenberg is an emergency physician at the Ottawa Hospital, assistant professor at the University of Ottawa, and Director of the Digital Scholarship and Knowledge Dissemination Program.

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