The CCFP(EM) Program at the University of Ottawa was the first of its kind in Canada. We are home to many national and international experts in research, ultrasound, quality improvement and patient safety, medical education and simulation.

Some of the unique features of our program include:
1) We offer two months of elective time for you to concentrate your training on any academic focus you choose
2) We have dedicated 1:2 protected learning time to train you in ultrasound, as well as an advanced ultrasound curriculum 3) In the past 6 years, we have had a 100% pass rate for the CCFP-EM Board Exam If you are considering a career in Emergency Medicine after your Family medicine training then make sure to consider our great program. For more details go to uOttawa CCFP(EM) Homepage and continue to follow our resident insights of our great program


Video Produced by Wilson Lam, @wlam_ inspired by Ben H, benjhuang with footage courtesy of Ottawa Tourism


  • Dr. Rosenberg is an emergency physician at the Ottawa Hospital, assistant professor at the University of Ottawa, and Director of the Digital Scholarship and Knowledge Dissemination Program.

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