One of our residents, Dr. Wilson Lam is part of a team looking to offer Rurals EDs across Canada as a way to complement and grow their rural emergency medicine practice by helping develop SIM programs for rural doctors and ED’s.  See the great video below and please contact for more information.

SRPC In-Situ Simulation Project Primer

Details below:

  • COVID has disrupted traditional CME at precisely the time when rapid dissemination of accurate, up to date information is critical, especially for high stakes procedures like intubations, and particularly for places without layered support, like rural EDs
  • The program was developed by rural generalists, for rural medical practitioners
  • The program is designed to complement rural practice environments and takes into account region-specific guidelines – it’s a personalized curriculum
  • Minimal simulation equipment/experience is required
  • No cost whatsoever to participants – this curriculum was/is funded by the CMA
SRPC COVID-19 Virtual In-Situ Sim Curricular Team:
  • Margaret Tromp, MD
  • Wilson Lam, MD
  • Filip Gilic, MD
  • Jesse Guscott, MD
  • Gordon Brock, MD
  • Erika Stebbings, BSN
  • Jenna Keindel
  • Jennifer Barr


  • Hans Rosenberg

    Dr. Rosenberg is an emergency physician at the Ottawa Hospital, assistant professor at the University of Ottawa, and Director of the Digital Scholarship and Knowledge Dissemination Program.

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