by Shahbaz Syed | May 5, 2022 | Commentary, Featured
We’ve previously spent some time talking about implicit biasĀ and its impact on patient care.It is of course important to recognize that we all have elements of implicit bias – these blindspots are programmed within us, and recognizing them is an important...
by Shahbaz Syed | Mar 31, 2022 | Commentary, EDI, Featured
On an individual level, we all have implicit biases. It would be impossible to have a lived experience without having biases. They’re a product of our genetics, environment, opportunities, experiences etc. We develop blindspots that we are often unaware of...
by Mark McKinney, Josee Malette | May 13, 2021 | Commentary, Grand Round Summaries
Have you ever sat at M&M rounds, seeing the same lists of biases and the same diagnostic errors being discussed over and over again? I know I have. I am often left wondering how can we do better? The solution seems simple – learn the biases, know the biases,...