by James Gilbertson, Rajiv Thavanathan | Oct 10, 2024 | Commentary, OBGYN, Radiology, Ultrasound
We often talk about PoCUS for first-trimester bleeding. Is there an IUP? NDIUP? IDK? Yet one of the most common questions patients ask is; “Can you see the heartbeat?” While measuring fetal heart rate is not always our top priority, I’m here to convince you of the...
by Rory Connolly | Dec 21, 2023 | Ultrasound
Take your POCUS Game to the Next Level Who should attend: Staff and resident physicians and other practitioners who take care of acutely unwell patients. Plenary Talks: Working up the “nerve” to “block” pain in the ED: is it time to change our approach? – Dr...
by Patrick Fisk, Hans Rosenberg, Ian Stiell | Oct 3, 2022 | Full Article, Journal Club, Radiology, Ultrasound
Tonson la Tour A, et al. Acad Emerg Med. 2021 Aug;28(8):866-872. Methodology: 3/5 Usefulness: 3/5 Question and Methods: This prospective cohort study tried to identify whether PoCUS can be used to diagnose intussusception by emergency department physicians. Findings:...
by Rory Connolly | Nov 30, 2021 | Featured, Ultrasound
Do you want to take your POCUS game to the next level? Then look no further than the Ottawa POCUS Symposium. This symposium will offer some of the best POCUS teachers in Ottawa and Nationwide. Who should attend this conference? Staff and resident physicians and other...
by Michael Wong, Shahbaz Syed | Sep 20, 2020 | Slider
In non-emergency medicine literature, cardiac Point-of-Care Ultrasound is termed “focused cardiac ultrasound” or “FoCUS,” and has been the subject of national cardiology and intensive care guidelines. It is used by emergency medicine, trauma, internal medicine,...