by Ceilidh Kinlin, Elyssia Adamo | Mar 17, 2022 | cheo, emergency, Featured, Gastroenterology, Pediatric Care, Pediatrics
We’re back this week with some new pediatric content — Managing Pediatric GERD! Check out our recent peds post on managing pediatric agitation here. Reflux disease is often considered as a common etiology for infants presenting with vomiting and perceived...
by Shahbaz Syed, Hans Rosenberg | Sep 13, 2021 | Commentary, Featured
1 Million views! Holy smokes. It feels like just yesterday (September 2017 to be more accurate) that we set up the EMOttawa Blog here, with the goal of spreading Digital Scholarship and Knowledge Dissemination in the spirit of #FOAMed, with some of the incredible...