Methodology: 2/5
Usefulness: 3/5
Warstadt NM, et al. BMJ Open Qual. 2022 Jan;11(1):e001624.
Questions and Methods: Using a cohort and QI approach, to demonstrate the effectiveness of a multidisciplinary educational intervention and EHR tool to increase sepsis bundle compliance.
Findings: Overall EHR tool use increased from 23.3 to 87.2% with an improvement in sepsis bundle compliance. Interestingly, the severe sepsis/septic shock cohort showed significant improvement in sepsis bundle compliance irrespective of EHR tool use.
Limitations: Single-center study that was not methodologically robust from both a retrospective cohort or QI lens, insufficient length of time of data collection to determine if changes were sustainable, no patient-centered outcomes.
Interpretation: This paper suggests a multidisciplinary targeted education and streamlined EHR tool may be effective in improving patient care for sepsis and possibly other presentations in the ED.
JC Supervisor: Dr. Jeff Perry
Dr. Nicholas Choi is an FRCPC Emergency Medicine resident at the University of Ottawa.
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Dr. Rosenberg is an emergency physician at the Ottawa Hospital, associate professor at the University of Ottawa, and Director of the Digital Scholarship and Knowledge Dissemination Program.
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Dr. Perry is an Emergency Physician and full Professor in the department of Epidemiology and Community Medicine. He has a special research interest in subarachnoid hemorrhage, TIA and stroke.
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