Author: Paul Pageau


  • Dr. Pageau is an Emergency Physician at the Ottawa Hospital, and current present of the Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians. He has a special clinical interest in ultrasound, global health and protocolized care. His personal search of wellness involves; family, friends and time in the Gatineau hills.

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Cardiology, Cardiothoracic Surgery, Featured, Infectious Disease, Ultrasound

Fever NYD? Maybe PoCUS can provide some FoCUS

A 59-year-old man presented to a community Emergency Department with a one-month history of subjective fevers and dyspnea. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, he had only... Read more.
tibial nerve block
Anesthesiology, Commentary, Procedural care, Radiology, Ultrasound

PoCUS Pearl – Tibial Nerve Block

Ever tried injecting local anesthetic into the bottom of someone’s foot? If you have, you’ll understand the incredible pain and difficulty in trying to anesthetize... Read more.