Author: Michael Austin


  • Michael Austin

    MD, FRCPC is the RPPEO Medical Director Dr. Austin worked as a Wilderness Helicopter Paramedic for 14 years and is the current Prehospital and Transport Medicine (PTM) Diploma Program Director at the University of Ottawa's Department of Emergency Medicine. He holds a Subspecialty in EMS and Disaster Medicine from uOttawa. Dr. Austin is a Medical Director for the University of Ottawa Volunteer Crisis Response Team (VCRT) and for the Ontario Police College. He is an Associate Professor with uOttawa and is a Clinician Investigator with the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute (OHRI). He has several research grants, is widely published and is regarded as an international expert in this field specifically in the area of pre-hospital medicine. Mike is also an avid cycler and has participated in many Canadian Tour Paramedic Rides and Muddy Angel Rides in the USA. When you call for consult/patch, you'll know him for his signature ‘Austin like Texas.'

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BHP Corner, Featured, Prehospital and Transport Medicine

BHP Corner: Acute Behavioural Disturbances

Introduction  Emergency health care places paramedics and healthcare providers are at the intersection of complex ethical considerations and legal obligations ... Read more.
BHP Corner, Commentary, Featured

Transforming Canada’s Healthcare Landscape with Paramedics

Canada’s healthcare system, once a source of national pride, is now facing critical challenges that have led many to view it as “unwell” or &#... Read more.
BHP Corner, Featured, Prehospital and Transport Medicine

BHP Corner: Respecting Patient Preferences

Emergency medicine is a fast-paced realm where paramedics and medical professionals must make split-second decisions that often mean the difference between life... Read more.