Pneumothorax in the Emergency Department – Part 2
In Part 1 of our 2-part series on Pneumothorax, Dr. Simon Wells walked us through the varying definitions, epidemiology, diagnostic criteria, and imaging findings... Read more.

Pneumothorax in the Emergency Department – Part 1
Pneumothorax is a relatively rare emergency department presentation with a number of controversies existing regarding its management. Over the last decade, the standard... Read more.

Aortic Dissection – A Needle in a Haystack
A 65-year-old male self-presents to the Emergency Department (ED) with sudden-onset severe chest pain. The pain was sharp, lasted 30 minutes, and has now resolved.... Read more.

A Bloody Mess: an Update on UGIB Management in the ED
Acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding (UGIB) is an all-too-frequent presentation that can scare the pants off of even the most seasoned Emergency Physician. Severity... Read more.