Author: Christian Vaillancourt


  • Christian Vaillancourt

    Senior Scientist, Clinical Epidemiology Program Ottawa Hospital Research Institute Full Professor, Emergency Medicine University of Ottawa Research Chair in Emergency Cardiac Resuscitation, Emergency Medicine University of Ottawa Associate Medical Director, Regional Paramedic Program for Eastern Ontario Research Interests: Dr. Vaillancourt's current research program focuses on pre-hospital care, specifically improving care and survival for cardiac arrest and trauma victims.

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Cardiology, Featured, Full Article, Journal Club

Sensitivity Cardiac Troponin T Among Patients With Known Coronary Artery Disease

Methodology: 3/5 Usefulness: 2/5 Ashburn NP, et al. JAMA Cardiol. 2023 Apr 1;8(4):347-356.  Editorial: Critical Appraisal of the Negative Predictive Performanc... Read more.
car crash
Airway, Anesthesiology, Critical Care, Journal Club, Trauma

Peri-Intubation Hypoxia After Delayed Versus Rapid Sequence Intubation in Critically Injured Patients on Arrival to Trauma Triage: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Methodology: 3/5 Usefulness: 3/5 Bandyopadhyay A, et al. Anesth Analg. 2023 May 1;136(5):913-919. Question and Methods: This is the first RCT looking at DSI vs... Read more.
blood pressure
Critical Care, Full Article, Journal Club, Neurology

Early versus delayed antihypertensive treatment in patients with acute ischaemic stroke: multicentre, open label, randomised, controlled trial

Methodology: 4/5 Usefulness: 2/5 Liu L, et al. BMJ. 2023 Oct 9;383:e076448.  Question: Do early vs delayed blood pressure management in patients with mild-mode... Read more.
blood transfusion
Featured, Full Article, Journal Club, Pre-Hospital

Resuscitation with blood products in patients with trauma-related haemorrhagic shock receiving prehospital care (RePHILL): a multicentre, open-label, randomised, controlled, phase 3 trial

Methodology: 4/5 Usefulness: 3/5 Crombie N, et al. Lancet Haematol. 2022 Apr;9(4):e250-e261.  Question and Methods: Multicenter RCT investigating prehospital r... Read more.
Sterile gloves
Featured, Full Article, Infectious Disease, Journal Club

Non-sterile gloves and dressing versus sterile gloves, dressings and drapes for suturing of traumatic wounds in the emergency department: a non-inferiority multicentre randomised controlled trial

Methodology: 4/5 Usefulness: 3.5/5 Zwaans JJM, et al. Emerg Med J. 2022 Sep;39(9):650-654. Question and Methods: This study assessed non-inferiority between ste... Read more.