A Rolling Stone Without a Home: Bouveret Syndrome on PoCUS
This case report demonstrates the utility of point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) to identify complicated gallbladder disease. In this case, the patient presented with... Read more.

Lacerations: The secrets they don’t want you to know
Lacerations are a common presenting complaint to emergency department. In 2013, in the United States there were 7 million visits to the emergency department (ED)... Read more.

The Deep Freeze: A Review of Frostbite Management
Introduction Frostbite is a frequent presenting complaint to emergency departments (EDs) in cold climates. It is more common among those without housing, those with... Read more.

Burnin’ Up: Thermal Burn Pain Management
Dr. Barnes had previously provided a very thorough guide on burns management, which can be found here. The management of thermal injury has largely stayed the same... Read more.

Pericarditis and Myocarditis in the ED
Chest pain is one of the most common presentations to the emergency department (ED) and includes a wide differential diagnosis. In today’s post, we will review... Read more.