Author: Amanda Mattice


  • Amanda Mattice

    Dr. Amanda Mattice is a junior editor for the EMOttawa Blog, and is a FRCPC resident in the Department of Emergency Medicine, at the University of Ottawa.

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emergency, Featured, Grand Round Summaries, Pre-Hospital, Prehospital and Transport Medicine, Resuscitation, Toxicology

Venomous Snake Bites: The Fangs, The Guidelines, The Myths

In this post, we will sink our teeth into some details around venomous snake bites that all emergency clinicians should be aware of regardless of their location... Read more.
migraine headache
Journal Club, Neurology

Randomized Trial Comparing Low- vs High-Dose IV Dexamethasone for Patients With Moderate to Severe Migraine

Methodology: 3.5/5 Usefulness: 4/5 Friedman BW, et al. Neurology. 2023 Oct 3;101(14):e1448-e1454.  Question and Methods: This double-blinded RCT of 209 patien... Read more.
emergency, Featured, Grand Round Summaries, Pre-Hospital, Resuscitation

A Dive into Drowning – Part Two

Previously in Part One, we reviewed the pathophysiology and pre-hospital management of patients who experienced non-fatal and fatal drownings. Now, in Part Tw... Read more.
cardiac arrest, Grand Round Summaries, Resuscitation

A Dive into Drowning – Part One

Drowning accounts for over 360,000 worldwide deaths annually, including the deaths of hundreds of Canadians., Despite this, accurate drowning statistics remain ... Read more.
Critical Care, Featured, Grand Round Summaries, Infectious Disease, Resuscitation

Surviving Sepsis: The 2021 Review

A review of some of the most relevant elements of the 2021 surviving sepsis campaign for the emergency physician. Definitions Our operative definition of sepsis... Read more.
Cardiology, Featured, Grand Round Summaries, Most Viewed

Atrial Fibrillation/Flutter Best Practice Checklist

Atrial fibrillation (AF) is encountered with significant frequency in the Emergency Department (ED). In fact, atrial fibrillation is the single most common arr... Read more.